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Posted on 16/09/2017 in Interesting Articles

Solar powered highways that generate electricity.

Solar powered highways that generate electricity.

"A one-kilometer stretch of road paved with Wattway can provide the electricity to power public lighting in a city of 5,000 inhabitants." - ADEME

I read this headline and did a little more digging.... here's what I found online.

The world’s 1st ever photovoltaic road surface
Wattway is a patented French innovation that is the fruit of 5 years of research undertaken by Colas, world leader in transport infrastructure, and the INES (French National Institute for Solar Energy). By combining road construction and photovoltaic techniques, Wattway pavement provides clean, renewable energy in the form of electricity, while allowing for all types of traffic.

A new vision for roads
Wattway produces electrical energy without overtaking farmland or natural landscapes, and contributes to increasing the share of photovoltaic electricity in the energy mix, both in France and worldwide.

All images and videos are copyright Colas / Wattway.

More info can be found here