www.ukcivilengineering.co.uk - UK Civil Engineering

Traffic Engineering

What is it?

Traffic engineering is a branch of civil engineering  that uses engineering techniques to achieve the safe and efficient  movement of people and goods on roadways. It focuses mainly on research  for safe and efficient traffic flow, such as road geometry, footways,  footpaths, pedestrian facilities, segregated cycle facilities, shared  lane marking, traffic signs, road surface markings and traffic lights.  Traffic engineering deals with the functional part of transportation  system, except the infrastructures provided.
Working with some of our partners we deliver:
  • Transport  assessments. (TA's). An early TA can avoid expensive and time consuming  delays later in the planning process. Taking account of the location  and local planning policy, the TA considers the development’s traffic  generation and parking upon on the local highway network
  • Transport statements.
  • Road safety audits. Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4.
  • Traffic calming scheme design.
  • Vehicle swept path analysis.
  • Access and servicing layout design.
  • Parking design.
  • Traffic sign design.
  • Traffic surveys.
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